Workshop Flamencodans
26 t/m 31 augustus 2014
Basico niveau: JALEO (Bulerías)
Intermedio niveau: FARRUCA
Ver gevorderd niveau: SOLEÁ
Maestro Latorre werkt met zijn eigen muziek
Studio Dok
Entrepotdok 4
Niveau Básico (>2 - 4 jaar ervaring)
JALEO (vorm van Bulerías) | 5 dagen – 1 uur les
26/8: 18.30 – 19.30
28 -29-30-31/8: 18.45 - 19.45
Prijs: € 140,-
Niveau Intermedio (>5/6 jaar ervaring)
FARRUCA | 5 dagen – 1,25 uur les
26/8: 19.45 – 21.15
28 -29-30-31/8: 20.00 – 21.15
Prijs: € 175,-
Niveau Avanzado (>7/8 jaar ervaring)
SOLEÁ | 5 dagen – 1,5 les
27/8: 15.45 - 17.15
28-29-30-31/8: 16.45 – 18.156
Prijs: € 205,-
Inschrijving on line of fax
- Via deze site: ga naar menu/workshops Nederland/inschrijfformulier
- Of het ingevulde en ondertekende inschrijfformulier per post of fax versturen naar:
Stichting Terremoto - Arte y Flamenco
Fax: 020 - 676 42 71
Telefoon: 020 676 42 27 (do: 11.30 - 13.30 uur)
U kunt het lesgeld overmaken op IBAN: NL67 INGB 0007 3244 48 ten name van Stichting Terremoto, Amsterdam.
BIC: INGBNL2A (as well, for people from abroad)
Algemene voorwaarden
De betaling per bank dient binnen te zijn vóór 1 augustus 2014.
Vanaf 1 augustus kunt U alleen nog contant betalen op de 1e lesdag, vooraf aan de les.
De inschrijving is bindend en wordt van je verwacht dat je ook echt komt en aan de betaling voldoet.
Restitutie van het lesgeld bij workshops van Spaanse docenten is niet mogelijk.
JAVIER LATORRE is a flamenco dancer, choreographer and teacher with an impressive and solid track record. He has performed throughout the world, and in the many prestigious flamenco festivals and stages of Spain.
Javier is an elegant and powerful dancer with incredible range.
His performances have received critical acclaim time and time again.
He has choreographed for many of flamenco's finest dancers and companies.
As a teacher, he brings energy, passion, dedication, sensitivity and great knowledge to the studio.
Amsterdam is fortunate to be able to invite Javier, as he is in great demand and keeps a busy schedule.
Javier Antonio García Expósito (known as Javier Latorre; b. Valencia, Spain, 1963) is a dancer and choreographer. He debuted at the age of sixteen in the National Lyric Company.
In 1979, he joined the National Ballet of Spain, as soloist under the direction of Antonio Gades.
After receiving an award as the Festival d'Avignon, he founded in 1988 in Cordoba the Ziryab Danza of which he was director, choreographer and dancer.
He had considerable success with the show Hijas del Alba. A year later, he received three national awards at the Concurso Nacional de Arte Flamenco.
In 1990, he toured with the show La fuerza del destinoall over Europe, and participated as a guest artist with Mario Maya in Diálogos del Amargo.
He collaborated on Concierto flamenco para un marinero en tierra with Vicente Amigo before winning the first prize in dance at the Festival del Cante de las Minas in 1994
He received an enormous amount of rewards under which the most important are:
- Premio Nacional de Danza 2011 (creación).
- Giraldillo a la Maestría, Bienal de Sevilla 2012
- Miembro del Consejo de Estado de las Artes Escénicas y la Música
The total list of rewards is to be seen on:
More Information and interview with Javier Latorre:
More links:
Under direction of Javier Latorre, Karen Rubio Lugo (who was our guestdancer at Lleno de Flamenco 2014 - Paradiso, 22th of June), participated in the film "Flamenco Flamenco" of Carlos Saura, and as principal dancer in the show "El Duende y el Reloj".