Workshop Flamencodans
Za 2 en zo 3 december 2017
Intermedio/avanzado: TARANTO
De les begint met 15 min techniek
Jeff Heijne
‘El Flamenco’
Tussen de Bogen 95, Amsterdam
Vanaf C S 10-15 min. lopen of bus 18, 21, 22
halte Haarlemmerplein, 1 min. lopen
Tijden & data
Nivo Basico: SOLEÁ POR BULERÍA ( >2,5–4 jaar ervaring )
Za 2 en zo 3 december: 14.30–16.00
Nivo intermedio/avanzado: TARANTO ( >5-8 jaar ervaring )
Za 2 en zo 3 december: 16.15–17.45
Prijs per workshop / nivo
€ 85,- / 90,- | 2x 1,5 uur les
De eerste prijs geldt als je de betaling hebt voldaan voor 1 november 2017.
Inschrijving & betalingen
De inschrijving is bindend en wordt pas geldig, als U het het inschrijfformulier heeft ingevuld en verzonden.
Betalingen die voor 1 november binnen zijn, genieten van de korting. Voor inschrijven na 1 november geldt de 2e prijs.
De inschrijving is bindend en pas definitief als het geld is over gemaakt op rekening IBAN: NL67 INGB0007324448
t.n.v. Stichting Terremoto te Amsterdam, o.v.v. naam deelnemer, workshop en nivo.
Na 18 november kunt U t lesgeld alleen nog contant voldoen op de 1e lesdag, vooraf aan de les.
Restitutie van lesgeld is helaas niet mogelijk.
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Cristina Teresa Hall is a flamenco artist of uncommon artistry, technique, and innovative vision.
Growing up in the United States, she first approached the Spanish art form as a cultural outsider, but has made flamenco her life in Spain. Cristina now pushes dance forward through her artistic rigor and respect for flamenco’s deep tradition, which she interprets through her unique international lens.
Cristina began studying flamenco dance as a teenager in her native city of San Francisco, California. She wanted to head to flamenco’s source, so at age 19, she flew to Andalucia, Spain, with a one-way ticket in 2001. Settling in Seville, she began to study daily with renowned flamenco artists such as Israel Galván, Andrés Marín, Antonio Canales, Farruquito, Eva Yerbabuena, Manuela Ríos, and many others. She was immersed in the study of dance and the song and guitar, and began to perform in tablaos.
In 2004, Cristina joined Israel Galván's company in "Torero Al-Lucinogeno,"premiering at the Teatro Central of Seville. Four years later, she began touring with her own work, first in the U.S. and Canada with her self-produced and choreographed show,"El Sonido del Silencio."
In 2010 she presented her show, "Ensueño," in the Off Bienal, a circuit of parallel shows to the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla.
In 2011, her creation "Blackbird" – a modern flamenco work set to the Nina Simone song - was a finalist in the Sadler's Wells dance choreography competition in London. She performed a solo at the "Festival Flamenco Empirico" at the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona under the direction of Juan Carlos Lérida.
In 2012, she wonsecond place in the "I Corcuso Internacional del Tablao las Carboneras de Madrid," and then danced as a visiting artist in the prestigious tablao’s cuadro.
With more than a decade immersed in flamenco study and performance, Cristina began working more and more as a soloist and choreographer on high profile stages.
In March of 2013 Cristina was invited to perform as a guest artist in Vigo and Ourense in the Spanish city of Galicia, with the Orquestra 430 de Vigo. In December 2013, she collaborated with the Cuarteto Castilia, choreographing a flamenco work to Shostakovich's String Quartet No.8 at the Teatro Cajasol de Sevilla. In 2013, she collaborated with flamenco dancer Manuela Rios at the Festival de Jerez in the production "Consuelo de Penas." She also choreographed the work, "Monocromo," for the Bienal de Sevilla in 2014 under the artistic direction of Andrés Marín.
In the last two years, Cristina has formed her own company and mounted original work that has toured throughout Europe. Forming the company A4 in 2014 with three other artists, the group created "La Charla," a production that has toured throughout Holland and then later premiered at the CICUS Flamenco circuit in Seville. In 2015 Cristina began working with French choreographer Yann Lheureux. They created the solo piece, "Cristina," which premiered in the Festival-OFF in Avignon, France, and then toured throughout many regions of that country.
In 2016 Cristina choreographed and performed in her own production “Translucido” which premiered in the Flamenco Festival Dusseldorf in Germany at the Tanzhaus Nrw Theatre.
In April of 2017 she won first prize in the “Certamen Coreografigo Distrito de Tetuan” of Madrid for her choreography “Bionic.”
It continues to be her great passion to create new dance performances and teach across the globe.