Lessons Flamencodance 2024/ 2025
Op maandagavond >9 sept en op zaterdagmiddag >7 sept
Cruqius Danshuis
Bottelarijstraat 289
Hendrick de Keijser
Henrick de Keijserplein 45
Data, tijden
Op maandag
17.30 - 18.30 Beginners (new!) – Tangos, Fandangos
18.30 - 19.45 Intermediate niveau - Bulerías
19.45 - 21.15 Flamenco Choreo class advanced
Technique, choreo, personal coaching and rehearsals
To prepare choreographies for perfomances, the students learn to work together with musicians.
Classes are given in a new professional dancestudio, with great floor.
Op zaterdag
13.00-15.00 Flamenco Fundament & Escuela de Flamenco de Andalucia (EFA)
Tangos, Bulerías, Alegrías, Sevillanas, Fandangos con manton, Rumba.
Classes are given in a spacious cultural and local building, in the middle of a square with playground.
Lesinhoud zaterdag
Armbewegingen, houding, klappen en voetenwerk: met waaiers, hoeden en mantóns
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Pastora Flamenco
NL23 KNAB 0259 7831 45
Vermeld hier ook je naam en de cursus!

Lesinhoud maandag
In de flamencolessen van Pastora is leren dansen belangrijker dan een dans leren.
Je leert zo autonoom mogelijk om te gaan met de muziek en de dans.
Er wordt veel aandacht besteed aan het verstevigen of creëren van een stevige basis en daardoor kunnen verschillende niveaus groeien binnen eenzelfde les.
Er is veel persoonlijke aandacht en er wordt in een goede sfeer hard gewerkt aan de verschillende aspecten van flamencodans:
houding, fysiek bewustzijn, arm gebruik, voetenwerk, diverse ritmes.
Flamencodancer Pastora had the honour to share the stage with great musicians such as Pepe de Pura, Juan Jose Amador, Luis Amador, Antonio Carrasco. Every year she goes on tour with the dancer Noelia Sabarea from Algeciras, where Pastora lived for three years.
She was invited to participate in the exclusive masterclass with Farruquito at the Dutch Flamencobiennale. Pastora is an experienced and qualified teacher and worked at the academy Noelia Sabarea in Spain. She gave workshops to adults and children in different countries, in Holland in Muziekgebouw aan t IJ and in various theatreacademies.
Right now Pastora is teaching weekly classes in Amsterdam and in Studio Hart Haarlem.
Pastora was formed by many different masters in Madrid at Amor de Dios, in Sevilla at the academy Matilde Coral, in Jerez in many courses during the festival de Jerez, in daily private coaching with Noelia Sabarea. She travels regularly to Spain to improve her knowledge and abilities within this great artform.
At the conservatory in Rotterdam she continues to study with singers and guitarplayers in the weekly masterclass of Irene Alvarez.